Temperatur:28°C (26 - 30°C)
Hardness: 14 - 17 dGh or less
ph:5,5 - 7
The values for temperature, hardness and pH are reference values which can vary within the indicated boundaries.
Nitrate: 20mg/l
Nitrite: 0,1mg/l
A A weekly water change of 10 - 20% to control nitrate and nitrite levels is recommended. At very low pollutant levels, the change interval can be increased.
Discus fish should be given a variety of fish food. For full-grown Discus, 2 - 4 daily feedings with various types of food is recommended. Feed only as much as the fish can eat in 15 - 20 minutes. Uneaten food should be removed (to avoid water contamination). Switch the tank light on approximately 30 minutes before the first feeding of the day. Discus can thrive on many types of food. When experimenting with a new type of food, use it for the first feeding of the day. It is possible that the food will be ignored for several days before one fish will eat it (don't forget to suction out the excess food). However, once one starts, the others will soon follow. Young Discus fish (under 10 cm) should be fed up to 10 times daily to achieve even and fast growth. Pay special attention to nitrate and nitrite levels. Water should be changed more frequently
Food examples:
artemia, black mosquito larvae, white mosquito larvae, red mosquito larvae, Discus granulates, Discus flakes, fish food tablets, brook flea crabs, Discus Menu, Discus Quick
Discus like to feed from the bottom so a gravel level of 2-3 mm is suitable. They blow water on the gravel and then eat the swirling food. The side and rear windows of the tank should be decorated. There are many possibilities. The simplest method is to paint the glass (from the outside!) a dark (green or brown) color. Another possibility is to line the glass with 5 cm thick polystyrene panels. One can create a beautiful surface structure quite simply (e.g. break out large pieces with a spoon). If the sheets are painted two different colors (e.g. green and blue) by spraying diagonally from above and down, very decorative rear walls can be created. For the interior arrangement, use large roots and South American plants (keep in mind the high water temperatures!).
Plant examples:
- Vallisneria gigantea
- Echinodorus paniculatus
- Nomophilia
- Nymphaea lotus
- Rotala macranda
As long as the fish are not yet full grown, avoid the use of grasses and low plants so that the Discus (and other compatible fish) have easy access to food on the bottom. Dense vegetation and root tangle should also be avoided since the Discus will become used to hiding out of sight. Use several large, solitary plants. The fish will be more visible and more active as well.
Filtering / heating:
Use a generously sized fast-filter and/or bio-filter. Additional oxygenation is only necessary if the aquarium is sparsely planted so that not much oxygen is produced (recognizable by fast respiration when the fish are calm - when they are eating or brawling, fast respiration is normal). With moderate to high nitrate levels, an M600 resin nitrate filter can help. A ground-flow filter is very useful for good water quality. A heater is absolutely necessary due to the required temperatures of 26 - 30ºC. 28ºC is the ideal temperature for Discus in a well-planted aquarium. The heating system should be designed such that in case of thermostat failure, the temperature cannot rise above 35ºC.
Compatible fish: Small, peaceful school fish such as Zwergbuntbarsche or Corydoras are recommended. Avoid Angelfish and other very lively fish because they interfere with the feeding of the calm Discus.
Examples of compatible fish:
Salmler - red neon, black neon, Rotkopfsalmler,
Kongosalmler, Rotmaulsalmler, Gluehlichtsalmler
Zwergbuntbarsche -
Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch, Apistogramma
Welse - Antennnenwelse,
tank panzerwelse,
Barben - Keilfleckbarbe, Siamesi
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